We're Looking For Clocks For Our Clients
(Looking for clocks to buy? Click here!)

Below Is A List Of Antique Clocks Needed

We maintain a large "People Looking For" database. If you want us to search for a specific antique clock or mechanical music item for you, please click here for more details.

But, before we start... there are a few varieties of clocks in which either we or our clients do not have interest because these particular clocks were made in such abundance that the supply is vast, the demand and value very low. Don't take that as criticism of your clock - it may indeed be lovely – we just can't make any money selling it!

Categories of Clocks
We DON'T Consign or Sell:

Most American "Kitchen" or "Parlor Clocks", except the more elaborate designs. Neither of these clocks would be of interest to us for example.


American and French mantle clocks from the "black period" (1890-approx 1910) whether wood, iron, or slate.


"Tambour" clocks (unless they are a Seth Thomas with Sonora or Westminster chime.


Early American "Ogee" and "Cottage" 30-hour clocks


Novelty or alarm clocks (except the alarm clock that looks like our logo)

We don't do watches!


We don't know anything about watches except how to tell time on our own wrist!

No reproduction clocks, except Seth Thomas, Chelsea, or E.Howard
wall-hanging clocks.

The reason? There's a vast supply of them and the margin is very low. If you have an unusual antique mantle clock we'd be happy to consider it, but just wanted you to know in advance so you're not disappointed.

Will you help us?

    We're constantly on the prowl to find antique clocks and antique mechanical musical instruments for our clients. These include searches for specific items and categories of items. Here are a few examples. Please let us know if you have or know where any of the following may be available... thanks in advance.

    This section of our site is always way behind. The need is greatest for American clocks and Vienna regulators, in that order. If you have a fine ANTIQUE clock and would like to find a new home for it, please get in contact with us. Be sure to give us as much detail as possible about your antique clock. Please note that we deal only in antiquities. Clocks from later than 1930 or so are not antiques and not generally part of our offerings nor sought on our site by collectors.

Please Help Us Find Any of the Following

Current Searches
Ongoing Needs

Current Searches

We have an immediate buyer for a
Seth Thomas Empire Clock (triple decker)

If you have a
Seth Thomas Regulator No. 2,
particularly in Mahogany or Walnut or Cherry
we would like to talk with you.
Oak is ok, too...

Bundy Time-Recorder
We are seeking a Bundy time-recorder for a client
whose great, great grandfather was a Bundy partner
and subsequently an early IBM shareholder.

~ • ~

We need Fashion Calendar clock,
models 3, 6, 7, 8.
We have a buyer standing ready to purchase
any of these models immediately.

Please call us if you have one or know where
one might be available immeditately.
We will pay fair market value.

We need "legitimate" Santa Fe Railway (SFRR) clocks
with station service label

~ no reproductions/re-paints ~

We need a Seth Thomas movement #41AG
to restore a family member's clock.


Seth Thos Ofc Cal 11

Earn A Finder's Fee!

WANTED: Seth Thomas Reg. No. 60

Wanted: Seth Thomas Regulator No. 60 ~ Antique Clocks Guy

We need an
extraordinarily clean and original finish/dial
Seth Thomas Regulator No. 2 and 6

CALL US TODAY ~ Motivated Buyers!

Also, a Seth Thomas "Marcy" in Cherry or Walnut
with original finish and original paint on the dial.

Call us if you have a Seth Thomas Marcy with orgina finish and original paint on the dial ~ Antique Clocks Guy

We also need a
Waterbury Calendar No. 28 in Oak or Walnut

...and we also need a Howard No. 3
(must be all original)

(must be original — no marriages)

We are personally seeking this small German alarm clock
that is our logo. Have seen a couple of them in the past several years for ridiculous asking prices
(they thought we'd go for it because it is our logo... get real)!

We want one, and have a client who wants one, too.

Locate one for us at a reasonable price and become
a friend for life!

We also need a Seth Thomas 41AG movement
for an Office No. 6, or we would buy a battered
No. 6 to get the movement, dial board dial and bezel.

Specific Needs List

PA, MD, NJ early tallcase clocks
(knowledgeable buyer standing by...)

Gilbert "Shield" wall clock

American Advertising Clocks

American Tallcase Clock – 18th Century

Ansonia Regal

Ansonia Gloria Swinger
(orig, no repairs to statue)

Ansonia Diana Swinger
(orig, no repairs to statue)

Ansonia Swingers (Huntress, etc)

Ansonia "General" (large wall clock)

Ansonia “Queen Elizabeth”
(walnut time/strike newer model)

Bracket clock – gothic style

Gustav Becker 2- and 3-Weight Vienna Regulators

Banjos – Waltham

Campos Dwarf “Grandmother”

Chelsea Ship’s Bell Clock

Chelesa Tambour No. 5

Chelsea Ship’s Clock 10-12” diameter
(preferably “USN” marking)

Cincinnati Time-Recorder

French Crystal Regulator

Dickory Dock clock (original Krump, early or later model)

Double-Faced “Station Clock”

Dutch Tallcase Clock

Escapement Models

Ever-Ready Razor Clock

Figural Clocks (very large)

French Clocks
(high-end, including large swingers, annular)

Gale Calendar Clock (EN Welch)

* * * * * * * * *


Gazo "La Mesa"

Gazo “San Juan Bautista”
(walnut and oak w/tubular chimes)

Gazo “San Juan Bautista” (2)

Gazo “Angelino” (2)

Gazo small and medium wall clocks

Gazo large wall clocks

Gazo wall clocks – with lots of detail

Gazo “Fallbrook”, "Santa Clara", or “Angelino”

Gazo "Mission Bay" with optional shelf

Gazo "La Mesa" - older and newer models

Gazo "San Marcos" & "Coronado"

Gazo "San Gabriel"

* * * * * * * * *

Gilbert Amphion

Gilbert Mantle Clocks

Herschede Hall Clocks – 9-tube models c.1900-1920

E.Howard Regulator No. 1-5

E.Howard Regulator No. 75

E.Howard “Figure 8” clocks

E.Howard Regulator No. 89

E. Howard Reg 10 Repro. - circa 1976

E.Howard Wall or Standing Regulators (all)

Ingraham wall clock

Ingraham “Grecian” Mosaic Mantle Clock

Ithaca calendar clocks

Jacques Tallcase Clock

Jacques 13-tube Tallcase Clock

Jeweler’s Regulators
Kroeber clocks

Lenzkirch Vienna Regulator

Mercury-Jar Large Wall Clocks (Jeweler’s Regulators)

New Haven "Elbe"

Seth Thomas Calendar Clocks - all

Seth Thomas Chime #50 (5-bells)

Seth Thomas City Series "York" model

Seth Thomas “Fashion” No. 6

Seth Thomas Fashion Clocks

Seth Thomas "Hotel" model

Seth Thomas Office Calendars No. 8 & 11

Seth Thomas Parlor Calendar No. 8

Seth Thomas Office No. 6 – flat top

Seth Thomas Regulator No. 2
Reissue by General Time - in original box

Seth Thomas Regulator No. 2
Reissue by General Time

Seth Thomas Regulator No. 2
later model after 1929 - oak

Seth Thomas Regulator No. 6

Seth Thomas Regulators No. 16 and 19

Seth Thomas Regulator No. 70

Seth Thomas Wall Regulators (all)

Seth Thomas Regulators No. 1 & 2
(early with original reverse-painted glass)

Seth Thomas SFRR clocks - all

Seth Thomas Sonora Chime in Adamantine Case

Ship’s Strike Clock 8-10” diameter with sweep seconds

Sidney Advertising Clock

Simplex Wall clocks (oak/iron)

Skeleton Clocks

Sonora Chime Clock
(early pre-Seth with 10 bells – rare)

Standard Electric Clock System

Stennes Clocks, including
Girandole marked "MCIP" with Howard mvt
and Aurora tablets.

Tallcase Clock – very large

Ted Burleigh Girandole

Torsion Clocks

Railroad Clocks
(all, including AT&SF, Erie, Lackawanna , etc.)

Vienna Regulators – miniature

Vienna Regulators – Grand Sonnerie (3-weight)

Vienna Regulators – very large

Vienna Regulators – high quality

Vienna Regulator – Baroque era

Waltham Tallcase with mercury jar pendulum

E.N. Welch “Little Lord Fauntleroy” clock

E.N. Welch No. 3 Calendar

E.N. Welch “Verdi”

Ongoing Searches:

Our Customers are Seeking the Following:

400-day clocks of quality

Holland Dairy Double Bubble Clock
A-1 Beer Advertising Clock / Cowboys Dream
Older American Advertising Clocks

Ansonia: Santa Fe model, complete/original; All swinging-arm models; all wall-hung weight-driven models; Others: Belgium; Habana; Malta; Reg "A" Calendar, Strike, Ebony Ring on bezel; General

Banjo Clocks: All early banjos, especially E.Howard and Howard/Davis; American Period Lyre Banjo; New Haven Banjo clock; WARING model circa 1920; E.Howard Bicentennial Banjo Clock...Issued 1976; Banjo-weight-driven, cross-banded mahogany; all Waltham Banjo Clocks

English Bracket Clocks: -- 8-bell fusee models especially

Calendar Clocks: -- especially Ithaca -- large or small;
Seth Thomas Office Calendar No. 5 ; Other Calendar Clocks - Gilbert (single dial); Ithaca cast iron DD Calendar clock; Seth Thomas #1 office calendar "figure 8"; Seth Thomas double dial wall hanging clocks; Waterbury Calendar Clock #43

Chelsea Clocks: Chelsea wall hanging ships bell with strike wheel bezel and matching Barometer; unusual Chelsea or Eastman clocks

Early American: J.C.BROWN-BEEHIVE; Terry, Silas B. Torsion Pendulum Clock; 8-day repeating Spencer Hotchkiss; American fusee driven clocks; Ripple-front (not wine!) Beehive clock; JC Brown or Brewster (any); Pillar/Scroll

Electrics: American Industrial Electrics;
English/European antique electric clocks (not alarm-type!)

English Clocks: Round-topped tallcase clock; fusees

French Clocks: Boulle-Style French Mantle Clock; Le Roy Paris -- Vineyard clock; Jappy Bros. Marble mantle clock; 19th century French ormolu mantel clock with a George Washington statue; unusual/high-quality box clocks with Westminster chime - must be in perfect running order

Fusee Clocks: American/English/Other

Gallery Clocks: Oak Gallery Clock greater than 12" diameter dial; Gallery clock-mahogany - 16" dial; E. Howard gallery clocks; Ansonia 33 inch 30-day gallery clock; Seth Thomas Gallery 24 inch dial

Gazo Clocks: We have become the premier site on the internet for information about and purchase/sale of Gazo clocks. If you have a Gazo clock to sell, contact us immediately. If you are seeking a particular Gazo model, send us a note and we'll add you to our extensive search list. Most of them never make it to our website because we have buyers waiting.

German: W&H-all models;
Vienna-style regulators 1-2-3 weight

Gilbert: Regulator No 11 movement - single or double arbor

E.Howard: all (are you kidding?!): Howard 86 A; Howard banjos, #4, #5, #9-figure 8; E.Howard Reproduction clocks;
E Howard large wall clocks; E Howard Astronomical Regulators;
Howard banjos-all of them!

Immediate buyer for E.Howard Regulators No. 36 & No. 57

American Industrial & Time Clocks: -- all makers, large/small; spring, weight-driven, electrics, watchman clocks, etc. There is a whole group of NAWCC folks hunting for these clocks... including Mrs. Clock Guy!

Jeweler's Regulator Clocks: Bring 'em on: all floor-standing and wall-hanging; bigger the better! Mercury jar pendulums a plus. Specific searches for: Gilbert 12 or 20, Waterbury 70, 7 or 12. Howard 36, 67, or 57; all Waterbury ' regulators

Longcase/Tallcase Clocks: Bailey tallcase clock; American tall case clocks; English Grandfather, Pre 1830's. Broken-Arch or Square Hood; Morbier; Waltham; Horner; Durfee; Tallcase High-end Horner-type; Mora Clock; Granddaughter clock -- oak; Herschede 9-tube; Jacques 11 and 13-tube models

Misc: one-second pendulum wall clock like Seth Thomas #71; Hotel "wakeup" clock

Musical: Music Box - "match striker"; music box clock; musical wristwatch ladies; Symphonion Clock or Regina Clock; Organ Clocks-all; Trumpeter Clocks

Seth Thomas: All weight-driven models (non-ogee); Seth Thomas Sonora Chime Clocks with bells not rods; CAMBRIDGE model circa 1909; Athens model; Chatham;

Immediate buyers for Seth Thomas Office Calendar No. 11

Immediate buyer for Seth Thomas “Hotel” model.

Ship's Clocks: particularly Chelsea and Seth Thomas

Skeleton Clocks: particularly with passing strike

Store Regulators: current need for Gilbert "Washington"

Swinging Arm Clocks: All Ansonia including Fortuna, Arcadia, Gloria, Diana, Hunter, Juno; All French; All Conical; No Cincinnati junque!; Augustus St. Gaudens "Walking Liberty" statue with her hand outstretched, holding a mace

Vienna Regulators: particularly miniatures; grand sonnerie; one-weight; long-running models

Waterbury: Halifax; all weight-driven, non-ogee
Regulator No. 57 in Mahogany or Walnut
Large weight-driven models, wall or floor-standing

Welch, E.N.: miniature beehive[ round gothic]; smooth case not rippled; Welch Spring Gerster

If you have a high-quality antique clock to sell, we likely have a buyer for you!

Call us now at 760-604-0262
or send us an e-mail to

General/Ongoing Needs

Seth Thomas Regulators No. 1, 2 and 3
*We have people waiting for your clock...
Oak, Walnut, Cherry, Mahogany, Cherry

Seth Thomas "Garfield" & "Lincoln" models

Large American Tallcase (Grandfather) Clocks
Durfee, Horner, Waltham

LARGE American Weight-Driven Wall Clocks
Can't get enough of these, so help us help our clients!

Jeweler's Regulators
You have it? We have immediate, cash-in-hand buyers!

E. Howard Clocks of ALL Varieties
of interested buyers waiting with money in-hand...

Ansonia Figural Clocks & Others...
Need a great, preferably original-condition, Hermes ASAP.
Need others, too, including (straight) "Habana" model!

Industrial Clocks, Timeclocks, Program/Watchman Clocks
Interesting items--preferably American, in Oak, weighted a HUGE plus
including Self-Winding

American Weight-Driven Wall Regulators
Ansonia General, Santa Fe, etc.

All High-Quality American Clocks

American Wall Regulators with Mercurial Pendulum
Mercury pendulums are of great interest to many collectors.

Floor-standing French Louis XV tallcase clock

Heavily Carved, High-End
Tubular Hall or Grandfather Clocks

American Railroad Clocks

Seth Thomas Wall and Weighted Regulators

Vienna-Type Weight-Driven Wall Regulator
Premiums paid for older clocks with original piecrust bezels
Premiums paid for 30-day, or more, runners
Premiums paid for original miniature weight-driven Viennas
(One of our clients would eat lumber to get a mini 3-weight Vienna!)

Top Quality Lenzkirch and Vienna Clocks

Large American Weight-Driven Wall Regulators

Waterbury Regulator No. 60

Year-Running Vienna Regulators
Must be in pristine condition: buyer standing by (buy?)!
(Always need weighted miniature Viennas)

96" (or taller) Tallcase Clock
Enclosed case, moon dial and pediment;
American Preferred; English OK

Tubular Chime Tallcase Hall Clocks

Antique Mechanical Music Instruments
Looking for everything from cylinder and disk music boxes to nickelodeons, orchestrions, monkey, band, barrel, roller organs/organettes, to you-name-it -- if the item is mechanical music-oriented and in good physician and running condition!

(just because we're the "Clock Guy"
doesn't mean we're not versatile!)

Please contact us immediately at the address below
if you have or know where these items may be available.... thanks.

We have buyers with cash in-hand!
If you don't have it, but know where it may be found
and we can make a sale, you will financially share in our reward... honest!

(so help us find what we need, already!)

Do you have a clock to sell? We'll sell it for you!
Are you seeking a clock? We'll find it for you!

Antique Clocks Guy
The Clock Guy Antique Brokerage
A family-owned company
founded on the "3 Rs"
Respect, Responsibility, Reputation
NAWCC #35749 Since 1973

~ Escondido CA ~
How To Contact Us