Antique Associations ~ Join The NAWCC or MBSI

Clocks & Mechanical Music Devices

Remember, you don't have to be a geezer
to join and enjoy either organization!

If you're not a member of the NAWCC (National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors) or MBSI (Musical Box Society International), you may contact them directly for additional info.

If you are interested in joining the NAWCC
, please use the sponsored application linked below.

Both are organizations worthy of consideration if you have serious interest in either clocks or mechanical music items such as music boxes, nickelodeons, etc. The publications or each organization alone are worth WAY more than the minimal annual membership fee... honest. Membership also entitles you to attend otherwise-closed meetings and item "meets", where many antiques are sold and traded out of the public eye.

And you'll also meet a lot of very nice, well-informed people who share a common interest with you. These organizations have directly and indirectly helped us build our business and continually increase our practical and historical knowledge.

We'll be pleased to sponsor your NAWCC Membership!

Use the following on your NAWCC application:
Richard Oliver
Address: Escondido, CA

Do you have a clock to sell? We'll sell it for you!
Are you seeking a clock? We'll find it for you!

Antique Clocks Guy
The Clock Guy Antique Brokerage
A family-owned company
founded on the "3 Rs"
Respect, Responsibility, Reputation
NAWCC #35749 Since 1973

-Escondido, CA-
How To Contact Us