Looking for Clock Parts?

Please read the following...

We get hundreds of e-mails every year from people who want clock parts. We don't sell any parts. Not big parts, not little parts, or even eensy-weensy, teesny-tiny parts; not new parts, not old parts, not no parts... got it?

We only sell whole clocks. Not junkers, junquers, or fixer-uppers; no ifs, ands, or buts. So please don't call or send us an e-mail saying you are looking for this part or that, because we just can't help you and you are wasting your time and ours (pun intended)!

Need Parts? Try www.timesavers.com in Arizona - Great People!
join the
NAWCC and look for parts at their member-only regional clock shows across the country throughout each year.

Please do not call or e-mail us about parts, we're only going to refer you right back to this page... sorry!



Do you have a clock to sell? We'll sell it for you!
Are you seeking a clock? We'll find it for you!

Antique Clocks Guy
The Clock Guy Antique Brokerage
A family-owned company
founded on the "3 Rs"
Respect, Responsibility, Reputation
NAWCC #35749 Since 1973

~ Escondido CA ~